
Showing posts from October, 2019

Proposed rule would allow DNA collection from immigrant detainees

This rule was purposed by the US Department of Justice, the rule would allow the Department of Homeland Security to collect DNA samples from those immigrants who are detained. The propose of this rule is to change how the department of justice implements the DNA and fingerprint Act of 2005, which is the reason why it was easy to authorize the collection of DNA from the detained immigrant. The rule and the Act of 2005 are are the same but the act of 2005 had too many exceptions. If the proposed rule goes into effect, department of homeland of security will start to collect DNA from the immigrants that are detained under their authority. this includes the southwest part of California where over one hundred thousand immigrants are detained per year. In my opinion this rule shouldn't be authorized, there is no point to get samples of DNA from immigrants. Thats very personal and they shouldn't be force to give them their DNA. If they would ask me to give them my DNA I would probab

Nearly one million migrants arrested along Mexico border.

There was more than half a million custody arrests along the U.S. and Mexico boarder. The governments fiscal year ending on September 30 and they recorded nearly one million custody arrests according to the U.S. Customs and Boarder Protection data. The last time these numbers were this high it was twelve years ago in 2007. Mark Morgan the CBP commissioner calls this the "staggering" increase, he stated "These are numbers no immigration system in the world is designed to handle". these number are crazy high.  In my opinion i don't know if this is good or bad, these numbers are way too high. This is good because they are stopping people from coming to the US, but also its bad because it's not fair to those who don't get opportunity like the ones who live here in the US. I found this article very interesting because i haven't seen numbers this high and news like this.

Officer suspended for turning driver over to ICE

A Fairfax County police officer was suspended because he turned in a driver to ICE. The officer was called to an accident and when he arrived he noticed that one of the guys didn't have a Virginia's driver licenses, so the officer ran him through the system and it shower that he missed a deportation hearing. Therefore he decided to call ICE to take the guy. The officers chief Chief Edwin C. Roessler Jr. apologized for the officers act and he announced his suspension and he also announced that there's an investigation on the way. Chief Edwin said that it was the first time something like this happens and he said that the officer is getting punished for his acts . In my opinion I think that the officer doesn't have authority for that specific situation. He should have no power over immigration that's why we have customs and border patrols. I think punishing the officer is very necessary because he doesn't hav authority over this. https://www.washingtonpo